Listen to me Write!

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Not a good day :(

Facebook asks for a Status update saying, “How’s it going Ian?”
Well if you must ask its all going to garbage the moment. Seems that lugging my suitcase around on Saturday after my arrival back from the Linux Conference in Canberra has really upset my arms to the point I’m going to see the quack this afternoon to try and find some sort of relief other than painkillers that make me sleep or take my brain away for a holiday.
I’m having trouble doing the lightest of keyboard tasks and so relying on Dragon to type for me and may be even do some navigation of the browser.

I have 1000 word essay due on Friday and still have not been able to get the system working for me to get it started, to even find the rest of the research that I want to do on it, because when the pain comes my brain goes away. I’m already into a week’s extension that needs this to go away before I can start to concentrate and do some research, some study, some writing, hell even do some work, that would have been nice!

Sorry for not posting much but I’m just not up to it at this time.

Listen to me Write!

I am doing an Open University Australia Course on Web Communications.

The problem is that this is going to require a lot of writing and keyboarding. I don’t have that opportunity other than a little bit here a little bit there, anything requiring a decent amount of wordage such as the essays that are still coming, will have to be dictated using Dragon naturally speaking.

Although I have been using voice recognition tools on and off for quite a number of years I have not used Dragon on a regular basis for probably four or five years and now I have to get back into the swing of things. I’m using dragon 12 professional and so far it does seem to be picking up most of what I say although it’s not real good on where I want a capital and sometimes it completely goes and loses the plot.

Such as this morning while trying to finish off my first assignment I tried to use the word no one/Nolan/no/no no no no. It just doesn’t seem to get that I want to have it use the word known. Like I had to just now, I had to go into correct mode and then into spell mode simply to get to understand the word I was trying to say.

Generally speaking this will recognise my words straight out of the box without much practice, the better I get speaking with it the better it will get recognising the kind of words I use the more accurate will be my dictation.

In the past people have said to me, “if you’re going to go in and correct it why bother dictating it?” It’s a simple law of numbers if I can get it to tight for me approximately 97% of the words that I wanted to say then I may have to change perhaps 3% of them that still works out to about 95+ percent of the words that I haven’t had to type. With my disability that adds up to do I have pain at the end of it or do I not have pain.

Dragon naturally speaking has wide capabilities. It is supposed to have been able to help me navigate the web. It is supposed to be able to help me do many different tasks that I might otherwise use keyboard and mouse with. Chances are that I eventually will learn how to do these things for now just getting it to do the text is a big step ahead.

This blog is intended to be an irregular discussion on my progress in learning Dragon and conversely in how well Dragon is able to learn me.

Thanks for dropping by and if you have any comments or advice I’d be very happy to hear them.